The Art & Science of Detoxification – Part 6: liver
Learning the art and science of detoxification is key to supporting to your EBV healing journey. In my case, I usually experience the viral flareup after heavily stressful life events (such a grieving loved ones and dealing without childcare during a pandemic in my most recent experience). While my body fights the higher viral load, my physical pathways get bogged up and the viral die-off seems to recirculate and make everything worse. Now that I’ve been through the pattern many times, I notice this is usually the starts of fatigue and brain fog and double-down on detoxing routines to get things moving and prevent a bigger crash.
While I’m not a medical professional, I’m here to share what I’ve learned about the pathways of detoxification and how you can apply rituals in your life. When fighting Epstein-Barr or any other pathogen, it’s important to give your body the support it needs to flush the garbage out. The six key detoxifying pathways are: Skin, Lungs, Kidneys, Digestion, Lymphatic and Liver. These systems work together to rid your body of toxins your skin, breath, stool and urine.
Please, I beg of you, don’t go googling any wild and crazy fad cleanses. Especially you have chronic illness, these kinds of cleanses can be extremely dangerous. It’s important to take small and steady steps forward, being kind and gentle to yourself. You don’t need drastic or expensive measures to make a big difference.
Where to Start:
I encourage you to start with Part 1 of this detox series - the Skin. In this final chapter, we’re talking about our livers, perhaps the most magical organ in the body! It’s so magic it can even regenerate! I’m addressing the liver last in this series because it’s probably the most important and challenging part of detoxing. Your liver is working SO HARD to clear out the heavy viral die-off and hormones, on top of the usual daily garbage. The daily trash is really what we need to cut out to best support our liver health. Here are my essential Liver Detoxing tips:
Cut the Alcohol– For most, just reading that makes you break out into a sweat. Trust me, I was a super regular drinker until about 3 years ago and I can remember how hard it once seemed to let it go. When my doctor explained how much it would benefit me to cut back, I decided to give it a try and I haven’t looked back. I will share much more about my alcohol free experiences in another post, but for now I will say this is really one of the best gifts you can give yourself. If cutting alcohol out entirely is overwhelming, consider a dry month, dry weekdays or any other method of pulling back on your current intake. Less is better, whatever you can manage. I’ll share much more about alcohol free living in an upcoming post, but I promise it’s SO WORTH IT!!
Avoid Unnecessary Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals - Of course, KEEP TAKING your Prescribed medications. I’m talking about the extra junk we unconsciously put into our bodies…the random Gatorade or Tylenol to kick the headache. Start to notice everything you consume and consider if you really need it - and if you do, consider if there’s a cleaner alternative (without preservatives, colors or other unnecessary chemicals). Progress over perfection!
Caffeine Too - Similar to alcohol and other chemicals, your liver is bearing the burden of processing caffeine. (This is also doing a double-whammy on your adrenal function which I’ll cover in another post soon.) Whatever you can do to pull back will help. I found that my neurological symptoms (vertigo, headaches, nerve issues, sleep, anxiety and energy) all improved tremendously by letting go of caffeine. It isn’t easy, and you don’t have to go cold turkey. Try tapering down one or even a half serving each day until you eliminate. Also, consider a healthier source of caffeine such as green tea that puts other anti-inflammatory goodies into your body at the same time. I stick with herbal teas and Yogi Stress Support is my ideal morning starter.
Avoid Sugar - Processed sugar (especially cane sugar) is one of the most challenging for your body to process (not to mention it suppresses your immune function). Because the root plant is a grass/grain, the ingredient is highly processed and the concentration is so high, your body really sees this as an invader. Try to avoid as much as you can while detoxing. If you are struggling to cut back alcohol AND caffeine AND sugar, just do your best. The struggle is REAL! I’ll say it again - less is better, you don’t have to be perfect.
Milk Thistle and NAC- Like any supplement, you should check with your physician before taking. I find a daily dose of Milk Thistle helps keep my hormones moving through my liver. I also find incredible relief with the supplement N-Acety C-ysteine (known as “NAC”), but this has come under recent scrutiny as people are taking it as an unapproved hangover cure. Because of this, many retailers, including Amazon are pulling it off of their shelves. You should be able to access it through your pharmacy or doctor.
Plenty of Protein - For most people of average size, a daily intake of high-quality, clean protein is critical to help support liver function, especially while detoxing. Because I struggle to digest legumes, I love the Be Well grass-fed beef-based protein powder. For those looking for plant-based powder, an organic sugar/gluten/soy-free variety is best. If you are a meat-eater, you’re probably getting enough without a supplement. If you are vegetarian or vegan, talk to your doctor about the right kind of supplementation. I have many friends that have needed to add seafood into their diets to help feel better (especially if you are avoiding eggs & dairy - see Part 4: Digestion post).
Without a doubt, this will be the toughest part of your detox journey. I’m here to support you and would love to hear about your personal challenges and pro tips to add to the list.